Testnet Trading Competition
GammaSwap and Rysk Finance are hosting a trading competition with 50k+ in cash prizes.

Your favorite upcoming Arbitrum protocols are co-hosting a trading competition to enable you to test out your volatility trading strategies.
We are excited to announce we will be co-hosting a trading competition with Rysk Finance, a feature-rich options protocol with an advanced user experience for traders.
The collaborations don’t stop there. Keep your eyes on GammaSwap and Rysk Twitter profiles for other partners offering additional prizes for their communities.
The goal of the competition for GammaSwap is to help us optimize the parameters on our borrowed positions and increase awareness for GammaSwap & Rysk Finance. We are both ecosystem oriented so this is also a way for us to support some of the major protocols in the Arbitrum ecosystem.
Save the date! The competition will take place from 8 May 2023 to 9 June 2023.
Register Below!
To participate you must register before the start of the competition at the following link: https://www.rysk.finance/comp-sign-up/
At the start of the competition, registered users will be able to claim 50,000 in various tokens on Arbitrum Goerli Testnet in order to participate.
Competition Prizes
Prizes for the competition will be distributed based on each user’s Profit and Loss (PnL).
- Top 100 traders with the highest PnL on GammaSwap
- Top 100 traders with the highest PnL on Rysk
- Top 3 traders with the highest PnL aggregated across GammaSwap and Rysk
- The worst trader with the lowest PnL and the highest volume (Counter Signal Jake) aggregated across GammaSwap and Rysk
- The trader with the highest volume with a PnL closest to $0 (Bad Luck Brian) aggregated across GammaSwap and Rysk
Make sure to stay tuned in the lead-up to the event, there may be several partners offering additional prizes for their communities…
The 100 Top Trades on GammaSwap
The 100 Top Trades on Rysk
Top 3 traders on GammaSwap & Rysk
Rysk x GammaSwap Bonus Categories
Competition Rules
Please refer to the competition rules at the bottom of the page here: https://www.rysk.finance/comp-sign-up/
What Can You Do Now?
- Register for the Trading Competition
- Follow GammaSwap on Twitter and join the GammaSwap Discord to get updates on GammaSwap and the competition
- Follow Rysk on Twitter and join the Rysk Discord to get updates on Rysk and the competition